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FDI的溢出效应和挤出效应一直是学界争论的焦点。选取2008年我国31个省市区39个工业行业的面板数据,利用外资企业与内资企业的竞争分析框架,分析发现:外资企业对我国内资企业存在正向溢出效应,但并不是其发展的主要因素;内外资企业之间的市场共同度、资源相似性越高,则溢出效应就越低,挤出效应越大,且溢出效应可能小于挤出效应。因此,我国企业还需要加强技术创新,以提高资本利用率和劳动生产率;要摒弃模仿式战略,走差异化道路;也要合理地引导FD I的地域行业分布,以形成外资与内资企业适度竞争、相互学习的良性环境。  相似文献   
随着人们健康意识及环保意识的不断增强,健康、安全的生态童装日益受到关注。为避免出口童装被通报召回等贸易摩擦事件的发生,我国童装生产企业应结合相关国际童装安全标准,对童装进行科学设计并选用绿色环保的面料及辅料,以促进生态童装的研发以及提升中国制造的童装在国际市场的竞争力。  相似文献   
Although the problem of heteroscedasticity has been the subject of much discussion in other areas of applied statistics the problem has received scant attention in the social network literature. This study attempts to remedy this situation by considering how traditional methods for significance testing in dyadic regression models, such as standard QAP tests, perform under conditions of heteroscedasticity. Moreover, the article presents two alternative methods to deal with heteroscedasticity that are both shown to perform rather well with typical social network data under conditions of both heteroscedasticity and homoscedasticity. Overall, the results of the study suggest that applied researchers using regression techniques to study dyadic data are well advised to correct for heteroscedasticity, by either of the two methods discussed here, whenever there is a reason to suspect heteroscedasticity.  相似文献   
本文以新的课程标准为基础,并以全新的理念、全新的思维、全新的方式对音乐教师的从教能力进行全新的解读。  相似文献   
本文从经济法基本原则之概念辨析入手,在总结各家关于经济法基本原则构成学说基础上,得出了确立经济法基本原则的高度和广度两个标准,进一步论证了经济法协调公平原则和经济法协调绩效原则。  相似文献   
佛山市外来女工的低水平教育现状,使她们在当前和未来相当长的一段时间内,面临着技术性失业风险加剧、城市化进程低缓、社会资本低效等问题,致使其生存状况长期得不到改善,影响着她们自身的生存和发展,并直接影响着佛山市产业结构调整与升级的进程,因此,建立完善的外来女工教育培训的支撑体、内容体系、机构体系及评价体系,就成为解决问题的首选。  相似文献   
As the first quantitative examination of perceived public relations professional standards in China using an online survey, this study was designed based on the standards of professional standards inventory Cameron, Sallot, & Lariscy (1996) constructed and tested among practitioners in the U.S. The survey results suggest six dimensions of perceived standards of professional performance: (1) role and function in organizational strategic planning, (2) sufficiency in professional training and preparedness, (3) gender and racial equity, (4) situational constraints, (5) licensing and organizational support, and (6) participation in the organizational decision-making team. Four dimensions of public relations roles were also identified by the survey participants: (1) brand promotion facilitator, (2) public information specialist, (3) media relations counsel, and (4) conflict management expert. Primary practice area was found to affect how Chinese practitioners perceive the six clusters of professional standards and the four identified public relations roles. These findings provide insights for both practitioners and researchers on how Chinese public relations practitioners view public relations as a profession and how the profession currently holds its professional standards in China.  相似文献   
伴随着新中国的成长,技工学校走过了60年历程。根据我国国民经济的发展与教育的结构化调整把技工学校的发展分为几个阶段,并基于对全国技工学校规模的发展变化和引起其变化的政策等两个因素,通过对不同时期的分析,总结了建国60年以来我国技工学校发展的主要经验和变化规律,以国民经济建设对技术工人的需求为基础,并随着教育大众化不断向更高层次发展。  相似文献   
通过高铁案例,说明在现代产业体系形成过程中,服务业技术创新具有至关重要的作用。但不是所有的服务业技术创新都能对现代产业体系的构建起到至关重要的作用。服务业技术创新还需要同时具备以下条件:(1)技术创新必须发生在能够带动其他产业发展的生产性服务业部门;(2)技术创新必须与一国的自然和社会环境相适应,具有可持续性;(3)必须是原创性技术创新。要素禀赋与技术创新的内生关系使中国技术创新存在路径依赖,很难出现符合以上条件的技术创新。因此,政府对创新的正确干预和引导将有利于推动我国现代产业体系的形成。  相似文献   
伴随着国际体育运动商业化的进程,兴奋剂成为困扰国际体育领域的重大问题。为减轻兴奋剂处罚体系多重性给运动员造成的负担,在国际奥委会的推动下,国际社会正进行着兴奋剂处罚体系统一化的努力。在这一进程中,应关注对运动员正当程序利益的保护,发挥国际仲裁院对个案的裁决及评价作用,推动各体育组织间的配合,使兴奋剂处罚体系更趋合理及法律化。  相似文献   
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